#learn about variables , Let's Go var1 = "I'm Akash " var2 = 69 var3 = 69.9 var4 = "Har Har Mahadev" var5 = "108" var6 = " 12" print(id(var2)) # id executes the address of Variable or data , address is not based on the variable name ,it is based on the box itself. print(id(10)) # 10 is an object where we can hold our data print(var1 + "yo yo") print(var1[5]) print(var1[0:4]) print(var4[0:8] + "mahadev") print(var4[-1]) print(var4[-7:-1]) # print(type(var1)) print(type(var2)) print(type(var3)) #print(var1 + var2) # We can't add string(str) and integer(int) at same time print(var2 + var3) print(var1 + var4) print(var1 + var5) #var5 is also an str because it is in double quotes print(var5 + var6) # It is also string #for convert str into int we use this :- print(int(var5)+ int(var6)) #Now it's print in the int form print(10 * "Hello World\n") #for printing str many times we use that function print(10 * str(int(var5)+int(var6))) #for printing int many time we use this function print("Enter your number") inpnum = (input()) print("You entered", int(inpnum) + 10) print("Enter first no.") n1 = input() print("Enter second no.") n2 = input() print("Sum of these no. is:", int(n1)+int(n2))