d1 = {"Akash":"roti" ,"Piush":"Mango","Naman":{"Day":"Roti","Eve":"Dal","Night":"chawal"} } print(type(d1)) print(d1["Naman"]) print(d1["Naman"]["Night"]) d1["Sonu"]="chicken fry" d1[476]="Mutton" print(d1) del d1[476] #del means delete print(d1) d2=d1 print(d2) print(d1.get("Akash")) d1.update({"diksha": "kebab"}) print(d1) print(d1.keys()) print(d1.values()) print(d1.items()) # Que :- creat a dictionary and take input from the user and return the meaning of the word from dictionary dict={"Mutable":"Can change","Immutable":"Cannot change" , "sets":"a well defined collection of object","Incredible":"Amazing"} print("Write your word") w1 = input() print("Meaning of the word is :-",dict[w1])