#f = open("Akii.txt","w") # "w" is write function # a = f.write("Akash have 2 subs on Youtube") #f.write("VeNoM Gaming on YouTube") # print(a) # f.close() # f = open("Akii.txt","a") # "a" is append function # f.write("Akash have 2 subs on Youtube \n") # f.write("VeNoM Gaming on YouTube\n") # f.close() # Handling read and write at same time : # f = open("Akii.txt","r+") # "r+" is read and write function # print(f.read()) # f.write("Namahshivaye\n") # Transfering data from one file to another : f=open("Akii.txt","r") f1=open("Akash.txt","w") for data in f : f1.write(data)