# Function : It is a block oof organised , reusable code that is used to perform a single, related action . Functionn provide better modularity. a = 6 b = 9 c = sum((a,b)) # sum is an built-in function , click control + sum(by mouse) to know about it. print(c) # User defined function. def akash() : print("Akash studied in class 11") print("Akash likes games like PUBG") akash() # It is also an function( User defined function ) that was cteated by me. def func(x ,y) : z = x+y o = x*y print("The sum of x & y is :", z ,"and x * y is :", o ) func(5 , 225) def avr(a,b): """This is a function which calculate average of two numbers and these function does't work for three numbers. It is known as docstring'""" average = (a+b)/2 # print("Average is:", average) return 'Average is :', average v = avr(10,40) print(v) print(avr.__doc__) # __doc__ is used for printing docstring